HELLO BLOG WORLD..... Today, thanks to Facebook memories, I was shot back into time, to a world that I had all but forgotten.A time when I used to bake and blog. Wow, how things have changed in the last 4 years. I also discovered a long lost post that had been sitting in drafts since January 2014. I felt bad that this post had been neglected, so I posted it! Where have the years gone, as I sit here re-reading all the posts, it brought me back to a time when I was a stay at home mom with 3 young kids, when life was crazy and hectic, but beautiful, happy and simple.Not too much has changed, but I miss how small the girls were. Miss C is a gorgeous, intelligent pre-teen who has a passion for eye rolling and has taken on the hobby of talking back.She is excelling. Miss V will soon be starting 2nd grade, has lost all her baby teeth,reads and writes, and will be 8 years old in 4 months. And of course Baby N! She is no longer a baby. She has recently turned 6, has her first loose tooth, and will be starting the first grade in September. The biggest change is that I have moved to a different country. I have left behind the days of snow storms and boots, and have dived into a new life adventure with Mr. R and our 3 ducklings in toe.We are currently living in sunny tropical Haiti. It is not a new country for me, my father is a native, and we had lived here previously in my youth. Some things have stayed the same.My horrible photography skills, my incapability of getting the girls to school on time, my dislike of any physical activity, and of course, my love for food. I have to admit that there hasn't been much going on in my kitchen, and have adopted more of a eating role in the last years. Miss C has joined me in my passion for delicious food, Miss V and Baby N could just live off of chicken nuggets and hot dogs.They haven't quite developed their palettes just yet. Miss C and I indulge and dine in kitchens and restaurants in Port-au-Prince, savouring and enjoying every bite! The options are limited, it is not nearly as diverse as Montreal, nor the suburbs, but we really do have some places that have been doing great things and trying to get Haiti and its unique cuisine onto the culinary map. Sometimes though, I will find myself watching Chef's Table in bed as I eat a bowl of cereal, dreaming that I am sitting at Chef Alex Atala's table, and pretending my fruit loop milk is in fact a fruit reduction! I still dream of menus and mixers, only now from a 9-5 desk job. Lunchtime is always my favourite part of the day, and I often find myself asking if it's lunchtime yet by 10:00 am!Although I have hauled all the contents of my whole kitchen with me,most of my gadgets and kitchen things haven't seen the light of day (or an oven) in years.Life has gotten in the way,and work, homework, school projects, beach weekends, horrendous amounts of traffic and a whole list of time consuming activities have taken over. The fact that my new kitchen is the size of a closet, and that turning on the oven on hot summer days means turning the whole house into a sauna, does not help either. I have continued my tradition of Christmas baking, and have made desserts here and there, but nothing like I used to.I have become a regular at the local bakery, and get my sugar and baked good fix from the convenience of someone else's labour. At the beginning of 2017, I vowed(instead of resolutions, I hate resolutions!!)to re-find my creativeness. Maybe painting , or a photography class, start baking again, who knows!I have recently (like in the Past week) re-watched movies that had given me life and inspiration.(if you haven't seen eat pray love, or Julie and Julia, go NOW!) And as by some divine intervention, here pops up a memory from the ghost of my creative past. It was like a kick in the gut.Stop procrastinating!Time is passing by so quickly, and we have to take advantage of the moments we have now! So, since there is no time like the present, here we are,again. A new start, again.I'm not exactly sure what lies ahead, but if the past is any indication, it will certainly be exciting!And even if no one is reading this,it is kinda therapeutic, like a journal or meditation, and I can always go back and read the memories that have gotten me here. My life has been an amazing journey so far, and I don't intend to start living a dull life anytime soon. So here's to keeping life interesting and fun! Now, where to start....


  1. Amazing post! You are so creative you should definitely start doing something with it quick! Miss you lots and miss your blog too. As usual, it brought a mixture of laughter and tears. xoxo


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