Afternoon snack

First things first...A special shotout to my favorite G!! Happy Birthday!!!

Now...back to the purpose of this post!
These are busy times!!My days do not have enough hours, and I`m always trying to find ways and time to get things done.In general time is not my friend...But today, I am thankful for 2 things ;1. A double nap!!!which means the babies are napping...(wait for it)...AT THE SAME TIME!!! This never happens!WOO-HOO!
And 2; for an extra hour in my daily schedule!! you see usually  at this time I would be scrambling to get the monkeys ready to go pick up C at school(is it summer vacation yet??).But today Mr. R had a day off. He has a busy schedule as well, and he seldom has days off, but when he does, he takes on the pick-up C task.
This is a rare event, and I`ve taken this opportunity for an even rarer one... an afternoon snack!!

                                                                                           Kalamata olives and feta cheese
                                                                                   A snack in honour of G for her special day!!

I usually am too caught up in the chaotic daze to even notice that I`m hungry, but today I am treating myself to some quiet time. Just a five minute breather , and then I think I'll bake something! I have been neglecting my rolling pin lately, and Since we are going to be visiting L&A for supper, I will bring them a little something to thank them for not having to cook or do dishes tonight!!

So while I enjoy my snack and dance  (my favorite song is playing right now and I can't resist),
I will show you what was for supper last night.....Chorizo tacos!

                 OK, so I didn't have real chorizo, Italian sausage with chili powder is a good substitute!

I spoke too soon....little eyes opened, and a little voice called out for mommy. Oh well, it was good while it lasted!! Another time and place sweet quiet time, it just wasn't our moment!!!

Farewell, enjoy your afternoon, if you can!!


  1. Thank you for the shoutout!!!

  2. We love reading these together. Then we laugh and laugh!!!!

  3. OH GEEZE I finally figured out who G is ... it's not even ALMOST her initial!!!! GEEZE! Happy Birthday G!! ;)


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