Where To Begin?

4:00 pm, Wednesday afternoon, screaming children, piles of laundry, dishes stacked in the sink.But I'm feeling the creative itch, my mind is bubbling with ideas.

It all began when I started making the lunches for my Godmother's workshops at her new store, Piorra Maison( check it out, http://www.piorramaison.com ). My mind was running wild with ideas. I saw potential and inspiration everywhere.My lunches were a hit.Simple classics with a twist with pretty packaging. People started asking for my business card, so because i wasn't busy enough, I decided to add another project onto my long list of to-do's: start a business!!

Here goes nothing!!!

Taking advantage of my maternity leave( i haven't been back to work since before my 2 and half daughter was born) and following my own beat.
Why not?
  It's going to be an adventure, at times a bumpy ride!! with 3 kids, a house that doesn't clean itself, a hungry husband ,a HUGE family that always seem to need each others time, my sister's wedding coming soon,  a baptism for my youngest baby, the lunches i already make for the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint workshops at Piorra Maison( http://www.piorramaison.com/workshops.php  ),gorgeous summer weather calling my name, and my non-existent workout plan which i am starting soon, maybe... I hope.And now adding blogging and business starting! All that in the next 8 weeks.So now is as good a time as any, there is no such thing as the perfect time, just opportunities hiding under hard work!!
Plus I'm awesome and I'm a woman, and I can do anything, except for maybe getting my 6 year old to school on time!

There will be tears, breakdowns, meltdowns, rants. But there will also be joy,sunshine,  hope, and most of all LAUGHTER!

                                             A look at some of my previous lunch bags!


  1. Love it!!! Your lunches are amazing too! You are an amazing Godchild. Follow your dreams and every thing else will fall into place.
    Love u
    Your Godmother

  2. Thank you!!!!you inspired me!!!

  3. I admire you for taking on this venture with your busy schedule. I have no doubt in my mind when it comes to your cooking and determination that this venture will be successful. Not to mention that your fun loving personality shines through in your blog.

    Love you.

    Your sister that is getting married!!!!

  4. OMG! You're the best person I know to take on this task! Love you sooo much it's sickening!

  5. I love the writing, love the food, love the presentation...but most of all love you!!!
    You can do anything!!! xoxoxo


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